Oxford Brookes Architecture Exhibition 2012
Head of Architecture - Mat Gaskin
Unit J Tutors - Sara Shafiei, Ben Cowd
Heatington Hill Campus
20th May - 18th June 2012
Oxford Brookes end of year exhibition displayed the Universities architecture talent from 1st year to diploma. Each unit had their own space which was designed to portray the ethos of the group throughout the year. Unit J, tutored by Sara Shefiei and Ben Cowd focused on a range of media from laser cut watercolor paper to hand sculpted models. Jamie Crapnell exhibited both semester one project - Transportable Apiary and semester two project River Tiber Fish Market.
London Festival Of Architecture 2012
Director - Jane Anderson
23rd June - 8th July 2012
Chetwoods Architects,
12-13 Clerkenwell Green,
"Resolution". An exhibition of work by student from the School of Architecture at Oxford Brooke University. In conjunction with the pavilion on Clerkenwell Green. Selected Work from the Oxford Brookes University end of year show was displayed during the London Festival of Architecture 2012 at Chetwoods Architects Gallery. Jamie Crapnell had project one chosen to be displayed at the event.